Municipality de Sabaneta NGP

Transparency and Quality Management

Secretariat Municipal

Programs and Institutional Plans

Norms and Main Objective

Secretariat of Traffic and Transportation.

Mission: Thought planning, regulation and control of traffic and transport activities, contribute to the social and economic development, providing good services to the municipality mobility.

Traffic Restriction Program

No reports information

Parking Control in Urban Areas

Rationalising the use of the street. Improve the mobility of vehicles, ensuring the accessibility to user, comfort and safety in the street. Law 769 of 2002, municipal decree 055 of 2013.

Pedestrian Trails Plan

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Licensing Regulatory Programs

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Program New Vehicle License Plate

Increase the park automotive in the municipality of Sabaneta. Law 769 of 2002, municipal agreement 018 2012 and resolution department of transportation 12379 of 2012.

Driver Education Programs and Signage

No reports information

Secretariat Education and Culture.

Mission: Advise, accompany, facilitate and Lead plans, programs, projects and actions aimed at the provision of comprehensive services with efficiency and quality.

The study of quality of life (CEO 2005) says: Sabaneta municipality have the education levels highest average of metropolitan area in all age ranges of population.

Programs for the promotion of Entrepreneurship

Business support. The south chamber of commerce and the municipality of Sabaneta to qualify and advice in assembly and enterprise creation. Agreement 946 July 16, 2013. Business plan development for entrepreneurs who want to land your business idea and are ready to formalize. In support agreement art 355 of political constitution. Document 777 of 1992.

Programs for Promoting Reading

Strengthening libraries. Put at the service of the education sector of information technology and communications. National plan for reading and writing (nprw) and guidelines coming from the ministry of national education (mne).

Outreach program Citizens Values

Construction of citizenship. Promoting social policies that contribute to the construction of citizenship. According to guidelines of the international association of educating cities (iaec). Decree 185 of April 20, 2009.

College Scholarship Programs

Best secundary students. Facilitating access and retention in higher education in formal educational institutions. Norms: municipal agreement 013/2012, by which are compiled and modify municipal agreements 08/2008, 05/2009 and 017/2009.

Educational plans for Population Growth Control

No reports information

Programs for Dignity of Gender.

Coverage tracking 90% of cases of violence against women; whether verbal, physical or psychological

Decree 109 del 2010, regulating the advisory board of gender created by agreement of 2009 021. Decree 049 of 2011 through which is created the municipal board to end violence against women. Law 248 of 1995, which by approving the american convention on the prevention, punishment and ending violence against women. Law 984 del 2005 elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Alternative job training or income generation, to contribute to the prevention of violence and forms of discrimination against women. Classification according to the law given by 1257 2008.

Programs for the Promotion of Culture. 388 training courses in the six arts areas: music, dance, theater, visual arts, street art and crafts with 3120 registered users in age from 3 to 80 years old

Agreement 005/2007 creation traveling music program. Agreement 005/1881 creation of the house of culture. Agreement 039/1993 school building art education. Agreement 015/2012 school building music alberto velasquez mauricio correa. Agreement 01/2009 municipal building of historic stock. Agreement 013/1998 modified by agreement 07/2012 creation of the city council of culture. Agreement 035/2002 adoption plan development cultural council of Sabaneta 2002-2012.